As the Sun rises from the rises..the WM in the East..

A Message From The EAST

WM Ed White

July 6, 2002

Greetings Brethren:


It is hard to realize that nearly 2 months have passed since I was inducted as WM.  A lot has transpired and there is still a whole lot to be done.


Brother George Otis, a lifetime member of this lodge passed on to the Grand Architect in Heaven this past spring.


Currently your lodge is doing a small amount of degree work.  We are expecting to have a 1st degree proficiency and then the 2nd degree floor work by the end of August.  We also expect to have a 2nd degree proficiency and then 3rd degree floor work by the end of September.  We should have a 3rd degree proficiency and a new lodge member (voting) by the end of August. 


While not busy with degree work; we are hard at it in building a new lodge room.  We are currently meeting in a room (living and dining room) that is 14’ X 22’.  This house is exactly like the houses in Marina Point and West Iguana; except there is no den room off of the living and dining rooms.  We were evicted from the lodge building back in April 2002.  Due to the changing structure and size of the base, our old lodge building was selected to become the new base library.  We were extremely fortunate to get a suitable building for our degree work, our meetings and social gatherings.  We are in Granadilla Point B-1, which was the bank manager’s house.  This is very ironic as I am the old bank manager and it is where my wife Jan and I lived before Central Fidelity Bank closed the branch in May of 1998.  Who says you can never go back home?


So, there you have it.  We are slow in the speculative side of Masonry but are hot and heavy in the operative side of masonry.  So far we have torn down a screened in porch,    dug footers for the concrete masonry block walls, laid rebar in the trench and  driven in the first set of rebar to reinforce the first 3 – 4 rows of block.  Next is to have the footers poured and the first 3 – 4 rows of block laid to get above ground level.  Then we will add fill dirt to the floor area to have it ready for the floor to be poured.  You can stay abreast of the progress here on the web site.  Pictures of the work in progress will be posted to this web site as they become available.


Dues cards should be received from the Grand Lodge in early September.  Dues will remain at $35.00.  Please send in your dues to Caribbean Naval Lodge A.F. & A.M.   PSC 1005 Box 71   FPO, AE 09593.  If you have had a change of address please let the Secretary know through this web site.   If you are able to send more than $35.00, please consider doing so.  This is a self-help project and the lodge is paying for all of the material and some of the labor we cannot perform.




Edward F. White

Worshipful Master


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